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Ethern Myth

"Beyond Existence"

Every Minute Is History. Everything Changes Now.

"Through thinking can only then, Visuals be seen"Ethern Myth


Everything to know about Ethern Myth:

Ethern Myth is brand representing a Full Stack Developer. It was officially commercial from 2019, although everything began late 2018. The purpose for creating the brand was to, seal the products and features produced by the developer. This way, the developer does not need to be on many social platforms and rather represent himself with one profile, also to govern the safety of information and privacy.

Ethern Myth has since build on many projects comprising of both frontend and backend frameworks. Some notable ones include:

The latest C RECIPE app

Which was build from scratch and indexed on Google for quicker searching.

Ethern Myth is here to build technology beyond existence.


Popular technology stacks, that comprises of frontend and backend frameworks which I offer.

There is no limit to learning, only few capabilities to trying

Not all technologies are included here, just the mostly used.






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